Wish you could get a refund on overpriced car insurance? Trust us, many consumers are feeling buyer’s remorse and feel like there’s no way out. Companies like State Farm and Geico constantly bombard you with ads and consumers find it hard to see through the deception and find the best price available.
It’s a good habit to take a look at other company’s rates yearly since prices fluctuate regularly. If you had the lowest rate two years ago a different company probably has better premium rates today. Forget anything you know (or think you know) about car insurance because we’re going to demonstrate the proper way to reduce your cost while improving coverage.
If you are insured now or are just looking to switch companies, you can use this information to get lower rates and still get good coverage. Finding affordable coverage in Ormond Beach is not rocket science. Florida consumers just need to know the tricks to shop online.
How to get free car insurance quotes online
All major car insurance companies like Allstate, Geico and Progressive make it easy to get insurance quotes from their websites. Getting online quotes is possible for anyone because it’s just a matter of typing in the coverage amounts you desire on the page. After you complete the form, their quoting system collects your driving record and credit report and provides a quote determined by many factors. This simplifies rate comparisons, but having to visit each company’s website and repetitively type in your information gets old quite quickly. But it’s very important to do this if you want to get the best price on car insurance.
An easier way to locate the lowest prices requires only one form to get prices from a lot of companies. It’s a real time-saver, eliminates repetitive work, and makes rate comparisons much easier. As soon as you send your information, your coverage is rated and you can select any or none of the price quotes you receive.
If the quotes result in lower rates, you simply finish the application and buy the policy. It just takes a couple of minutes and can result in significant savings.
To find out if lower rates are available, simply click here to open in new window and submit the form. If you have coverage now, it’s recommended you copy coverages and limits as close as possible to your current policy. Doing this guarantees you will have a rate comparison using the same coverage and limits.
More information can be found on the website for the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation located here. Consumers can read industry bulletins, read consumer alerts, and find out industry alerts.
Also read more on III.org’s auto insurance page and CarInsuranceDIY.com.