Did a good deal turn into overpriced auto insurance? Don’t sweat it because there are many De Witt consumers feeling the pinch from expensive auto insurance. Drivers have many insurers to choose from, and even though it’s nice to have multiple companies, so many choices can make it hard to find a good deal.
You have control over your auto insurance premiums
Lots of factors are taken into consideration when you quote your car insurance policy. Some are obvious like an MVR report, although others are more obscure like your vehicle usage and annual miles driven.
The factors shown below are some of the most rate-impacting factors used by companies to determine premiums.
- Liability coverage is important – A critical coverage on your policy, liability insurance will provide protection if ever a court rules you are at fault for damages caused by your negligence. This coverage provides legal defense starting from day one. It is affordable coverage when compared with rates for comp and collision, so drivers should carry high limits.
- Continuous auto insurance coverage saves money – Having an insurance coverage lapse will be a sure-fire way to drive up your policy premiums. Not only will you pay higher rates, failure to provide proof of insurance will get you fines or a revoked license. You could then be forced to file a SR-22 with the Iowa department of motor vehicles.
- Low physical damage deductibles cost more – Deductibles for physical damage are the amount of money you are required to pay if you file a covered claim. Physical damage coverage, also called ‘full coverage’, is used to repair damage to your car. Some examples of covered claims would be collision with another vehicle, damage from fire, and having a roll-over accident. The higher the amount you have to pay, the less money you will pay for auto insurance.
- City traffic equals higher prices – Living in a rural area can be a good thing when it comes to auto insurance. Fewer people means a lower chance of having an accident in addition to lower liability claims People who live in big cities have to deal with more traffic problems and more severe claims. Longer commute distances means more chance of being in an accident.
All the larger auto insurance companies allow you to get insurance quotes on their websites. Getting prices online is possible for anyone because it’s just a matter of typing in the coverages you want into the quote form. Behind the scenes, their system sends out for information on your driving record and credit history and generates a price based on many factors. Being able to quote online makes it easy to compare insurance prices but the work required to visit a lot of sites and fill out multiple forms can be a bit repetitive. But it’s also necessary to have as many quotes as possible in order to get the lowest auto insurance rates.
An easier way to find lower prices requires only one form that gets prices from more than one company. It’s a real time-saver, reduces the work, and makes online shopping a little more enjoyable. Immediately after you send the form, it gets priced and you can select your choice of the pricing results. If you find a better price it’s easy to complete the application and purchase the new policy. This process can be completed in less than 10 minutes and you will find out if you’re overpaying now.
If you want to compare rates using this form now, click here to open in new window and enter your vehicle and coverage information. To compare your current rates, we recommend you replicate the coverages as close as possible to your current policy. Doing this assures you will get an apples-to-apples comparison based on identical coverages.
Discounts can really help lower premiums
Auto insurance is easily one of your largest bills, but there may be some discounts that can dramatically reduce your bill. Some of these disounts will be visible when you quote, but lesser-known reductions have to be specifically requested prior to receiving the credit.
- Home Ownership Discount – Just being a homeowner can save you money since home ownership is proof that your finances are in order.
- Bundled Policy Discount – When you have multiple policies with the same company you will save up to 20% and get you .
- Buy New and Save – Insuring a new car can get you a discount because newer vehicles keep occupants safer.
- Multi-Vehicle Discounts – Buying insurance for all your vehicles with the same auto insurance company may reduce the rate for each vehicle.
- Active Military Service – Being deployed in the military may qualify for rate reductions.
- Employee of Federal Government – Active or retired federal employment can earn a discount up to 10% with a few auto insurance companies.
- Multi-line Discount – Select insurance carriers reward you with better rates if you take out a life insurance policy as well.
As a footnote on discounts, most of the big mark downs will not be given to the entire cost. The majority will only reduce individual premiums such as medical payments or collision. So even though you would think it’s possible to get free car insurance, companies wouldn’t make money that way.
Large auto insurance companies and some of the premium reductions they offer are shown below.
- Geico may offer discounts for driver training, daytime running lights, federal employee, membership and employees, defensive driver, and anti-theft.
- Mercury Insurance offers premium reductions for multi-car, ease of repair, age of vehicle, accident-free, and anti-theft.
- Farmers Insurance discounts include teen driver, bundle discounts, business and professional, good student, and homeowner.
- Auto-Owners Insurance offers discounts for paperless, good student, paid in full, multi-policy, air bags, student away at school, and mature driver.
- Liberty Mutual includes discounts for exclusive group savings, good student, newly retired, safety features, newly married, preferred payment discount, and hybrid vehicle.
- SAFECO has savings for teen safe driver, anti-theft, drive less, bundle discounts, accident prevention training, and teen safety rewards.
- Progressive may have discounts that include good student, multi-policy, online quote discount, online signing, multi-vehicle, and continuous coverage.
- USAA may include discounts for family discount, good student, defensive driver, vehicle storage, and multi-vehicle.
When getting , it’s a good idea to all the companies how many discounts you can get. Some of the earlier mentioned discounts might not apply in De Witt. To see companies who offer free auto insurance quotes in De Witt, click here to view.
What if I want to buy from local De Witt insurance agents?
Some consumers would rather visit with an insurance agent and that is OK! The best thing about price shopping on the web is the fact that drivers can get cheaper premium rates but still work with a licensed agent.
To make it easy to find an agent, after completing this simple form, the quote information is transmitted to agents in your area who will give competitive quotes to get your business. You don’t have to leave your computer since price quotes are sent directly to you. Get lower rates and a licensed agent to work with. In the event you want to get a comparison quote from a specific auto insurance provider, you can always find their quoting web page and fill out the quote form the provide.
Picking the best provider requires you to look at more than just the price. Any agent should have no problem answering these questions:
- How much can you save by raising your physical damage deductibles?
- How are claims handled?
- Are aftermarket or OEM parts used to repair vehicles?
- Which companies do they recommend if they are an independent agency?
- Will they take your side in the event of a claim?
The following are agents in De Witt willing to provide price quotes.
Allen-Mcaleer Insurance – 602 6th Ave, De Witt, IA 52742 – (563) 659-3857
Gary Froeschle Agency – 615 10th St, De Witt, IA 52742 – (563) 659-3218
Farm Bureau Insurance – 514 8th St, De Witt, IA 52742 – (563) 659-5135
Sherlock O’Neill Insurance – 1133 11th St, De Witt, IA 52742 – (563) 659-3116
Upon getting reasonable responses for all questions you ask as well as quotes, chances are good that you have found an insurer that meets your needs to insure your vehicles.
How do I know if I need professional advice?
When buying the best auto insurance coverage, there isn’t really a one size fits all plan. Everyone’s situation is a little different so your insurance should reflect that Here are some questions about coverages that might point out whether or not you might need an agent’s assistance.
- When would I need rental car insurance?
- When should I drop full coverage on my vehicle?
- Does my insurance cover damage caused when ticketed for reckless driving?
- Do I need PIP coverage since I have good health insurance?
- Can I afford low physical damage deductibles?
- Do I have coverage for damage caused while driving under the influence?
- Is my vehicle covered for smoke damage?
- Am I covered when driving someone else’s vehicle?
- What is covered by UM/UIM coverage?
- At what point should I drop full coverage?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions but you think they might apply to your situation, you may need to chat with an agent. To find lower rates from a local agent, complete this form or click here for a list of auto insurance companies in your area.
More detailed Iowa auto insurance information is available at the Iowa Insurance Division website. Iowa drivers can learn about insurance regulations, get help finding coverage, and discover disciplinary actions.
Also read more on QuoteClickInsure.com and this list of insurance agents in De Witt.
Persistence pays off
When you , don’t be tempted to buy lower coverage limits just to save a few bucks. There have been many situations where an insured dropped liability coverage limits and learned later that the few dollars in savings costed them thousands. The aim is to find the BEST coverage at a price you can afford but still have enough coverage for asset protection.
We covered many tips how you can get a better price on auto insurance. It’s most important to understand that the more rate quotes you have, the higher your chance of finding . You may be surprised to find that the lowest rates come from the smaller companies. Smaller companies may only write in your state and offer lower car insurance rates than their larger competitors like Progressive or Geico.