No one loves paying for car insurance, in particular when they could get a better deal. Multiple insurers compete for your insurance dollar, so it’s not easy to compare every insurer and get the best coverage at the best rate
The fastest way that we advise to compare car insurance rates is to take advantage of the fact most of the larger companies actually pay money for the chance to give you rate quotes. To get started, all you need to do is give the companies some data including daily mileage, level of coverage desired, how old drivers are, and whether the vehicles are used for commuting. Those rating factors is automatically sent to insurance companies and you should receive rate quotes with very little delay.
To compare rates for your car now, click here and enter your coverage details.
Don’t overlook these car insurance discounts
Not too many consumers would say car insurance is affordable, but you might find some hidden discounts to help offset the cost. Certain credits will be shown when you quote, but some may not be applied and must be requested specifically prior to receiving the credit.
- Online Discount – A handful of companies give back up to $50 on the web.
- Home Ownership Discount – Being a homeowner can get you a discount since home ownership is proof that your finances are in order.
- Low Mileage – Fewer annual miles can earn cheaper premium rates.
- Multiple Policy Discount – If you can combine your auto and homeowners policy with one insurance company you could earn a discount of nearly 15% which can help you find .
- Driver Education Discount – Have your child sucessfully take a drivers education course as it can save substantially.
- One Accident Forgiven – but certain companies may permit one accident before raising your premiums with the catch being you have to be claim-free for a certain period of time.
- Pay Now and Pay Less – If you pay your entire premium ahead of time rather than paying monthly you can actually save on your bill.
Discounts save money, but please remember that most discount credits are not given to the overall cost of the policy. Most cut individual premiums such as liability, collision or medical payments. Just because you may think it’s possible to get free car insurance, insurance companies wouldn’t stay in business.
To view car insurance companies that offer the discounts shown above in Woodstock, click here.
Will just any policy work for me?
When it comes to buying the right insurance coverage, there really is no one size fits all plan. Every situation is different and a cookie cutter policy won’t apply. For instance, these questions might point out if you would benefit from an agent’s advice.
- Do I need special endorsements for business use of my vehicle?
- Is a new car covered when I drive it off the dealer lot?
- Am I covered if I drive in a foreign country?
- What is the minimum liability in Virginia?
- Is my nanny covered when driving my vehicle?
- Do I need rental car coverage?
- Am I covered by my spouse’s policy after a separation?
- Why is insurance for a teen driver so high in Woodstock?
- Does my policy cover me when driving someone else’s vehicle?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed agent. If you don’t have a local agent, take a second and complete this form or you can also visit this page to select a carrier
More information about car insurance
More information can be found on the Virginia Bureau of Insurance website found here. Virginia consumers can view agent and company licensing information, learn about insurance regulations, learn about specific coverages, and read consumer alerts.
Other informative sites include this site for rates in Virginia and this link which helps you find a Woodstock agent.