Having to pay for pricey car insurance can dry up your budget and make it tough to pay other bills. People have many auto insurance companies to pick from, and even though it’s nice to have multiple companies, more choices can make it harder to adequately compare rates.
It’s a great practice to compare premium rates periodically because prices are rarely the same from one policy term to another. If you had the lowest quotes on your last policy there may be better deals available now. There is lot of inaccurate information about car insurance online, but by reading this article, you’re going to learn some good information on how to lower your car insurance premiums.
This information will instruct you on the best way to quote coverages and some tips to save money. If you are paying for car insurance now, you will be able to save some money using this information. Nevertheless, Wisconsin consumers benefit from understanding the way insurance companies sell online and use this information to your advantage.
Cheaper Kaukauna car insurance rates with discounts
Car insurance is neither fun to buy or cheap, but you may qualify for discounts to cut the cost considerably. Some discounts apply automatically when you purchase, but a few must be manually applied prior to receiving the credit.
- Discount for Low Mileage – Fewer annual miles can qualify you for slightly better premium rates than normal.
- Buy New and Save – Adding a new car to your policy is cheaper compared to insuring an older model.
- Use Seat Belts – Requiring all passengers to use a seat belt may be able to save a few bucks off the medical payments premium.
- Theft Deterent – Cars, trucks, and SUVs equipped with anti-theft or alarm systems are less likely to be stolen and earn discounts up to 10% off your .
- Auto/Home Discount – If you insure your home and vehicles with the same insurance company you could save approximately 10% to 15%.
- Multi-car Discount – Drivers who insure several vehicles on the same car insurance policy can get a discount for every vehicle.
- Good Drivers – Drivers who avoid accidents may save up to 50% more as compared to drivers with claims.
- Payment Method – By paying your policy upfront rather than paying in monthly installments you can actually save on your bill.
It’s important to understand that most discounts do not apply to the overall cost of the policy. Most only apply to individual premiums such as medical payments or collision. Just because it seems like all the discounts add up to a free policy, companies don’t profit that way.
If you would like to choose from a list of providers that have a full spectrum of discounts in Kaukauna, click this link.
When shopping for car insurance there are multiple ways to compare prices from different Kaukauna insurance companies. The easiest way by far to find the lowest rates is to get quotes online. This is quite simple and can be completed in just a few minutes using one of these methods.
The fastest and easiest way to find low rates is a comparison rater form click to view form in new window. This style of form prevents you from having to do separate quotation requests for every company. In just a few minutes this one form will get you rate comparisons from car insurance companies with the best prices.
A more difficult way to find better pricing requires a trip to each company’s website and request a quote. For example, we’ll pretend you want comparison quotes from Nationwide, 21st Century and Allstate. You would need to go to every website and enter your policy data, which is why most consumers use the first method. For a list of links to companies insuring cars in Kaukauna, click here.
Even if you have time, the least recommended method of getting rate comparisons is going to local Kaukauna insurance agencies. Shopping for car insurance online makes this process obsolete unless your situation requires the professional guidance only provided by licensed Kaukauna agents. If you prefer, some companies allow you to get the lowest quotes online and have a local agent actually service the policy.
Whichever way you choose to compare rates, make sure you use identical quote data with each company. If your comparisons have unequal deductibles or liability limits it will be next to impossible to truly determine the lowest rate in Kaukauna. Just a small difference in limits can make a big difference in price. And when quoting car insurance, remember that comparing more quotes helps you find more affordable insurance.
How car insurance companies determine prices
When buying car insurance it’s important to understand the different types of things that are used to determine car insurance rates. If you understand what influences your rates, this allows you to make good choices that may reward you with much lower annual insurance costs.
- High deductibles reduce prices – Coverage for physical damage, also called comprehensive and collision insurance, covers damage that occurs to your car. Examples of some claims that would be covered could be a broken windshield, damage caused by hail, and having your car stolen. Deductibles for physical damage are the amount of money you are required to spend if you file a covered claim. The more of the claim you pay before a claim is paid (deductible), the bigger discount you will receive.
- If you don’t need it don’t buy it – There are quite a few extra bells and whistles you can purchase on your car insurance policy. Coverage for things like vanishing deductibles, accident forgiveness, and Farm Bureau memberships are probably not needed. They may seem good when deciding what coverages you need, but your money might be better spent on other coverage so eliminate the coverages to reduce your premium.
- Demanding vocation may mean higher prices – Did you know that where you work can have an impact on rates? Careers like military generalsair traffic controllers and miners usually pay higher premium rates in part from stressful work requirements and extremely grueling work hours. On the other hand, jobs such as professors, students and homemakers have the lowest average rates.
- Teenagers vs. older drivers – Teenage drivers in Wisconsin are statistically proven to be more careless when behind the wheel so car insurance rates are higher. Older people are more responsible, file fewer claims , and are generally more financially stable.
- Don’t skimp on liability coverage – A critical coverage on your policy, liability insurance is the coverage that protects you if you are determined to be liable for physical damage or personal injury to other. It will provide for a legal defense up to the limits shown on your policy. It is affordable coverage compared to physical damage coverage, so drivers should make sure they buy enough to cover all assets.
Everyone needs different car insurance coverages
When buying proper insurance coverage for your vehicles, there really is not a “perfect” insurance plan. Everyone’s situation is a little different so your insurance needs to address that. These are some specific questions can aid in determining if your situation might need professional guidance.
- Does my policy cover me when driving someone else’s vehicle?
- Do I need motorclub coverage?
- Am I covered when driving a rental car?
- Do I need rental car coverage?
- Are my tools covered if they get stolen from my vehicle?
- What if I total my vehicle and owe more than it’s worth?
- Is business equipment covered while in my vehicle?
- When would I need additional glass coverage?
- Do I have coverage when using my vehicle for my home business?
If it’s difficult to answer those questions but you think they might apply to your situation, you might consider talking to a licensed insurance agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, simply complete this short form or you can go here for a list of companies in your area.
Independent or captive car insurance agents
Some people just want to talk to a local agent and often times that is recommended One of the benefits of getting online price quotes is that you can find cheap car insurance rates and still have an agent to talk to. Supporting local agencies is still important in Kaukauna.
By using this form (opens in new window), your information is immediately sent to insurance agents in Kaukauna who want to provide quotes for your coverage. There is no need to do any legwork as quotes are delivered immediately to you. You can most likely find cheaper rates AND a local agent. If you have a need to compare prices from one company in particular, you would need to jump over to their website and give them your coverage information.
The following is a short list of insurance companies in Kaukauna that are able to give rate quotes.
Lee Nimmer Insurance – 119 E 2nd St, Kaukauna, WI 54130 – (920) 766-3900
Coffey Insurance Svc – N4080 County Rd E, Kaukauna, WI 54130 – (920) 788-3581
State Farm Insurance – 2440 Crooks Ave, Kaukauna, WI 54130 – (920) 766-5782
Finding the right insurer shouldn’t rely on just the quoted price. Any good agent should know the answers to these questions.
- Do you need full coverage on every vehicle?
- Do the companies they represent have a solid financial rating?
- Do they prorate repair cost based on vehicle mileage?
- Will the agent or a CSR service your policy?
- Does the agency have a current Errors and Omissions policy?
Once you have received answers to your satisfaction for all questions you ask as well as a affordable price, chances are good that you have found an insurer that is reputable and can properly insure your vehicles.
Advertising myths
Respected companies like Progressive, Geico, Allstate and State Farm continually stream ads on television and other media. They all make an identical promise that people will save just by moving your coverage. How does each company charge you less for auto insurance? It’s all in the words they use.
All companies have specific criteria for the type of driver that earns them a profit. For instance, a profitable customer might be between the ages of 30 and 45, has few claims, and drives less than 7,500 miles a year. Anybody who meets those qualifications receives the best prices and will probably save a lot if they switch.
People who are not a match for these stringent criteria will be quoted higher rates and this results in the prospect going elsewhere. The trick is to say “customers who switch” not “everyone who quotes” save that much money. That’s why insurance companies can make claims like that.
This really drives home the point why you absolutely need to quotes as often as possible. You cannot predict with any certainty which company will have the lowest prices for your situation.
You can find cheaper coverage
We’ve covered a lot of information how to save on car insurance. The most important thing to understand is the more quotes you get, the better your chances of lowering your prices. You may be surprised to find that the best premium rates are with the least-expected company. Regional companies can often provide lower prices in certain areas compared to the large companies like State Farm and Allstate.
When buying insurance coverage, it’s not a good idea to buy poor coverage just to save money. There are a lot of situations where someone sacrificed full coverage and discovered at claim time that they should have had better coverage. The proper strategy is to buy a smart amount of coverage at the best cost while not skimping on critical coverages.
Additional information is available on the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance website through this link. Consumers can find out industry alerts, find out which companies have the most complaints, and read enforcement actions against agents and companies.