Are you at wits end from scraping the payment together to pay auto insurance each month? You are no different than the majority of other drivers in Idaho. Due to the fact that there are so many choices of insurance companies, it is hard for the average consumer to locate the lowest price company.
There are a lot of ways to shop for auto insurance, but there is one way that is less time-consuming than others. You can waste hours driving to insurance agencies in Glenns Ferry, or you can stay home and use online quotes to get rate comparisons in just a few minutes.
All the larger companies participate in an industry program that enables customers to send in one quote, and each participating company returns a rated price. This saves time by eliminating repetitive form submissions for each company.
To use this form to compare rates click here to open in new window.
The single downside to getting quotes like this is you don’t know exactly the providers you want to price. If you prefer to choose specific insurance companies to compare prices, we have a listing of auto insurance companies in Idaho. Click to view list.
However you get your quotes, try to use apples-to-apples coverages and limits with each company. If your comparisons have different data it will be impossible to get a fair rate comparison in Glenns Ferry. Having just a slight variation in insurance coverages may cause a big price difference. It’s important to know that quoting more will increase your chances of finding the best price. Some insurance companies are not set up to provide online quotes, so you should also compare price estimates from those companies as well.
Save $407 a year. For real?
Companies like State Farm, Geico and Progressive seem to constantly run ads in print and on television. They all seem to make the same claim that people will save if you get a free and switch your policy. How is it possible that every company can offer drivers better rates? Here is the trick they use.
Auto insurance companies have underwriting criteria for the type of insured that will be a good risk. For example, a desirable insured could possibly be married and over the age of 30, has no prior claims, and chooses high deductibles. Any new insured that hits that “sweet spot” gets the lowest rates and will save a lot of money.
Drivers who may not quite match these stringent criteria will have to pay higher prices which translates to the customer buying from someone else. Company advertisements say “drivers that switch” not “everyone that quotes” save that much. That’s why companies can lure you into getting a quote. Because of this risk profiling, you should compare as many as you can. It’s not possible to predict which company will have the best premium rates for your profile.
Get cheaper rates by taking advantage of discounts
Not many people think insurance is cheap, but discounts can save money and there are some available that could drop your premiums quite a bit. A few discounts will automatically apply at the time of purchase, but some discounts are required to be specially asked for before you get the savings.<img class="alignright" style="padding-top:15px;" src="https://www.carinsurancediy.com/wp-content/uploads/ci175-24.jpg" alt="Glenns Ferry Idaho car insurance prices“/>
- Savings for New Vehicles – Adding a new car to your policy can be considerably cheaper because new vehicles keep occupants safer.
- Pay Early and Save – If you can afford to pay the entire bill as opposed to paying monthly you may have a lower total premium amount.
- Mature Driver Discount – Mature drivers may qualify for better auto insurance rates.
- Defensive Driver Discount – Successfully completing a course teaching defensive driving skills is a good idea and can lower rates and easily recoup the cost of the course.
- Air Bags and Passive Restraints – Vehicles equipped with air bags or motorized seat belts may qualify for discounts of more than 20%.
- More Vehicles More Savings – Insuring several vehicles with the same auto insurance company can reduce rates for all insured vehicles.
- Government Employees – Federal government employees could cut as much as 10% off with some auto insurance companies.
- First Accident Forgiveness – This one isn’t a discount, but some companies like Geico, Allstate and Liberty Mutual may permit one accident before hitting you with a surcharge with the catch being you have to be claim-free prior to being involved in the accident.
Consumers should know that many deductions do not apply to the overall cost of the policy. Some only reduce individual premiums such as comp or med pay. Just because you may think it’s possible to get free car insurance, you won’t be that lucky. But all discounts will definitely lower your overall bill.
A few companies who might offer these discounts include:
If you need lower rates, check with every prospective company which discounts they offer. Some credits may not be available in your area. If you would like to see a list of companies that offer discounts in Glenns Ferry, follow this link.
Captive and independent auto insurance agents
Some consumers still like to get advice from a local agent. The biggest benefit of comparing auto insurance online is you may find cheaper rates and still choose a local agent.
For easy comparison, once you complete this quick form, your information is sent to local insurance agents that provide and help you find cheaper coverage. It simplifies rate comparisons since you won’t have to leave your house because prices are sent to you. You can find the lowest rates without having to waste a lot of time. In the event you want to get a rate quote for a specific company, don’t hesitate to search and find their rate quote page and fill out the quote form the provide.
Finding a good provider needs to be determined by more than just a cheap price. Here are some questions you might want to ask.
- Where are claims handled?
- Are they involved in claim handling?
- Does the agency support the community they serve?
- Is auto insurance their primary focus?
- Do they offer accident forgiveness?
- If your car is in the repair shop, do you have coverage for a rental car?
If you want a local agent, it can be helpful to understand the different types of agencies and how they are slightly different. Agencies in Glenns Ferry may be either independent or captive depending on the company they work for.
Captive Agencies
Agents in the captive channel have only one company to place business with such as State Farm, Allstate, or Farmers Insurance. Captive agents are unable to provide other company’s prices so you might not find the best rates. They are highly trained in insurance sales which helps them sell on service rather than price.
Shown below is a list of captive insurance agencies in Glenns Ferry who may provide you with price quote information.
Farm Bureau Insurance – 94 N Oneida St – Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 – (208) 366-7207
Independent Insurance Agents
Agents of this type are appointed with more than one company so they can quote policies with many different companies and get the cheapest rates. If you want to switch companies, your agent can switch companies which is easy for the insured. When searching for an agent, you will definitely want to get rate quotes from a few independent agents so that you have a good selection of quotes to compare.
Shown below is a short list of independent agencies in Glenns Ferry that can give you rate quotes.
Penner and Fink Insurance – 119 N Commercial St – Glenns Ferry, ID 83623 – (208) 366-7486
To choose from more licensed insurance agents in Glenns Ferry, see this complete selection of Glenns Ferry Idaho auto insurance agencies.
Additional detailed information is available at the Idaho Department of Insurance website. Visitors are able to read enforcement actions against agents and companies, view a list of available companies, and discover disciplinary actions.
And the best auto insurance company is…
When searching for , make sure you don’t buy lower coverage limits just to save a few bucks. There are too many instances where an insured cut full coverage only to discover later that they should have had better coverage. The ultimate goal is to buy enough coverage for the lowest cost and still be able to protect your assets.
Lower-priced auto insurance is available online and from local insurance agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both in order to have the best price selection to choose from. A few companies may not have online quoting and these small insurance companies sell through independent insurance agents.