I can’t think of anyone who likes paying for auto insurance, particularly when they are paying too much. You have so many auto insurance companies to buy insurance from, and although it’s nice to have a selection, it makes it harder to compare rates and find the lowest cost auto insurance.
It’s a great practice to check auto insurance prices quite often because prices fluctuate regularly. Even if you think you had the lowest rates six months ago you can probably find a lower rate today. Forget all the misinformation about auto insurance because you’re about to learn the quickest way to lower your rates without sacrificing coverage.
Lower the Price of Insurance with These Tips
It’s important that you understand the different types of things that come into play when calculating the price you pay for auto insurance. When you know what positively or negatively controls the rates you pay helps enable you to make changes that may reward you with big savings.
- Battle of the sexes – Statistics demonstrate that women are safer drivers than men. However, don’t assume that women are better drivers. Women and men cause accidents in similar numbers, but the males cause more damage and cost insurance companies more money. They also get cited for more serious violations such as DWI and reckless driving.
- Pleasure use saves money – The higher the mileage driven in a year’s time the higher your rate. Almost all companies rate vehicles based on their usage. Cars left parked in the garage can get a lower rate as compared to vehicles used primarily for driving to work. Make sure your auto insurance declarations sheet is rated on the correct usage for each vehicle, because it can save money.
- Don’t let your coverage lapse – Allowing your coverage to lapse is a fast way to pay more for auto insurance. And not only will insurance be more expensive, getting caught without coverage can result in a steep fine or even jail time.
- Don’t sacrifice liability coverage – The liability section of your policy provides coverage in the event that a court rules you are at fault for damages from an accident. It will provide you with a defense in court up to the limits shown on your policy. Liability is cheap compared to insuring for physical damage coverage, so do not cut corners here.
- Safer cars are cheaper to insure – Cars with high safety ratings tend to have better insurance rates. Safer cars reduce injuries and fewer injuries translates into savings for insurance companies and lower rates for you.
Finding Auto Insurance in Roswell
Getting better auto insurance pricing is not rocket science. All that’s required is to spend a few minutes to compare rate quotes online from several insurance companies. This is very easy and can be done in a couple of different ways.
The fastest way to find the lowest comparison rates is a comparison rater form (click to open form in new window). This easy form keeps you from doing boring form submissions for every auto insurance company. Taking the time to complete one form gets you price quotes from multiple companies.
A more time consuming way to shop for auto insurance online consists of visiting the website for each individual company and request a quote. For example, let’s say you want to compare Progressive, Geico and Travelers. To get each rate you have to take the time to go to each site and enter your information, which is why the first method is quicker.
For a handy list of car insurance company links in Roswell, click here.
The least recommended way of comparing rate quotes is driving around to and from local Roswell insurance agencies. Buying insurance online has reduced the need for local agents unless you want the trained guidance only provided by licensed Roswell agents. You can, however, get the lowest quotes online but still have the advice of a local agent and we’ll touch on that later.
Whichever way you use, make sure you use identical coverages and limits for each comparison quote. If your comparisons have higher or lower deductibles then you won’t be able to make a fair comparison in Roswell.
Can you really save $486 a year?
Georgia consumers constantly see and hear ads that promise big savings from companies such as Allstate and Progressive. All the companies say the same thing that you’ll save big if you move your policy.
How do they all make almost identical claims? This is how they do it.
All companies can use profiling for the driver that earns them a profit. For example, a profitable customer could be a mature driver, owns a home, and drives less than 7,500 miles a year. A customer that hits that “sweet spot” will get the preferred rates and as a result will probably cut their rates substantially.
Potential insureds who don’t qualify for this ideal profile will have to pay more money and ends up with the driver buying from a lower-cost company. The ad wording is “people who switch” not “people who quote” save that kind of money. That’s why companies can advertise the savings. Because of the profiling, you should get a wide range of price quotes. It’s not possible to predict the company that will fit your personal profile best.
Cut your premium with discounts
Car insurance companies don’t list every discount very clearly, so we break down some of the more common and also the lesser-known auto insurance savings. If you’re not getting every credit possible, you are paying more than you should be.
- Good Student – Getting good grades can get you a discount of up to 25%. This discount can apply up until you turn 25.
- Memberships – Affiliation with a qualifying organization is a good way to get lower rates on your policy.
- Discount for Life Insurance – Some companies give better rates if you take out auto and life insurance together.
- Safe Drivers – Safe drivers can get discounts for up to 45% lower rates than drivers with accidents.
- Federal Government Employee – Employees or retirees of the government can save as much as 8% depending on your company.
It’s important to note that some credits don’t apply to your bottom line cost. Some only reduce individual premiums such as liability, collision or medical payments. Just because you may think all the discounts add up to a free policy, auto insurance companies aren’t that generous.
To choose insurance companies who offer auto insurance discounts in Georgia, click here to view.
But buying car insurance online seems impersonal
A small number of people prefer to buy from a local agent and that is OK! Agents can help determine the best coverages and help in the event of a claim. One of the best bonuses of price shopping on the web is the fact that you can find better rates and still choose a local agent.
After filling out this short form, the quote information is transmitted to companies in Roswell who will return price quotes for your business. You won’t need to visit any agencies since price quotes are sent directly to your email. It doesn’t get any easier!
Picking an insurer shouldn’t rely on just the bottom line cost. Ask your prospective agent these questions:
- Is their price quote a firm figure or are their hidden costs?
- Is the agent and/or agency licensed to do business in Georgia?
- Who are their largest clients?
- Which company do they place the most coverage with?
- Do they feel the quoted coverages are adequate?
- How many years of experience in personal lines insurance coverages do they have?
- Do they review policy coverages at every renewal?
- Are you getting all the discounts the company offers?
Captive and independent Roswell insurance agents
When looking for a good insurance agency, there are two different types of agents that you can select. Agents are categorized either captive or independent. Both types can write coverage properly, but it’s worth mentioning how they are different because it can influence your selection of an agent.
Captive Insurance Agents
These agents work for only one company and some examples include Allstate, Farmers Insurance or State Farm. These agents are unable to provide prices from multiple companies so always compare other rates. Captive agencies receive extensive training on the products they sell and that can be a competitive advantage.
Below are Roswell captive agencies that are able to give rate quotes.
Allstate Insurance – 1001 Alpharetta St – Roswell, GA 30075 – (770) 993-1200
Liberty Mutual Insurance – 626 Holcomb Bridge Rd # 500 – Roswell, GA 30076 – (770) 998-2045
Ga Farm Bureau – 475 W Crossville Rd – Roswell, GA 30075 – (770) 643-6787
State Farm Insurance – 112 Norcross St # 1 – Roswell, GA 30075 – (770) 992-1114
Independent Agents
Independent agents are not employed by any specific company so they can insure your vehicles with any number of different companies enabling the ability to shop coverage around. If your agent finds better pricing, the business is moved internally without you having to go to a different agency. When shopping rates, it’s a good idea to include price quotes from several independent insurance agents to ensure the widest selection of prices.
Below is a short list of independent insurance agencies in Roswell that can give you rate quotes.
Governmental Insurance Source – 1201 Bombay Ln – Roswell, GA 30076 – (770) 640-5533
Dickerson Agency – 11205 Alpharetta Hwy # E2 – Roswell, GA 30076 – (770) 442-2332
Derrick Campbell Agency – 11285 Elkins Rd – Roswell, GA 30076 – (770) 569-4755
Camico Mutual Insurance Co – 570 W Crossville Rd # 104 – Roswell, GA 30075 – (770) 552-2743
Boardman Agency – 5005 Roxburgh Dr – Roswell, GA 30076 – (770) 752-9944
For a complete listing of auto insurance agents in Roswell, click here to link.
Upon receiving reasonable responses to any questions you have and locked in a price quote, it’s possible that you found an auto insurance agent that meets your needs to service your policy.
More tips and info about auto insurance is available at the Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner website. Consumers can find out which companies have the most complaints, discover disciplinary actions, and find disaster information.
Also read more on this Car Insurance FAQ and this page of Roswell insurance agents.
And the best car insurance company is…
Cheaper auto insurance is available from both online companies as well as from independent agents in Roswell, and you need to comparison shop both to get a complete price analysis. Some companies don’t offer the ability to get a quote online and these smaller companies work with independent agents.
When trying to cut insurance costs, you should never skimp on critical coverages to save a buck or two. In many cases, an insured dropped uninsured motorist or liability limits only to find out that it was a big mistake. The aim is to buy the best coverage you can find at the best price.